Whole school

Spanish / Spanish speaking celebrities - DISPLAY
Pictures for display about famous Spanish and Spanish speaking celebrities. Each picture is complimented by a fact file about each one and smaller pictures to show what they are famous for. Looks really nice and colourful either in a classroom or on a corridor. Pictures can be re-sized as appropriate..

Common verbs conjugated in the present tense with the Spanish flag as a background. These look great when printed in colour and stuck around the classroom and can be adapted / added to as appropriate.

Qu'est-ce que tu portes? - basic worksheet clothes and colours
Worksheet with basic items of clothing and colours. Pupils colour in the pictures according to the description.
Errors corrected, although it is worth saying anything shared for free, that is fully editable can easily be corrected or amended as appropriate by the person downloading it.

Numbers in French, Spanish and German.
Posters of numbers to 100 in french, spanish and German. These look great when blown up to A3 size or larger and make excellent display posters.

La Corrida de Toros
Display pictures with key words and descriptions for bullfighting. Includes 'el toro', 'el matador' and 'el traje de luces' amongst others.